books, children’s books, Family, parenting, toddler, Uncategorized

Book review- Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps

Ad/gifted* My kids and I were delighted to have the opportunity to receive the ‘Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps’ book to review. Right from the front cover the beautiful illustrations had already captured the kids attention and continued throughout. The story is amusing with excellent learning points for children to help teach some manners… Continue reading Book review- Uh Oh Milo! The Impolite Imps

christmas, Family

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas…. Alternative Version

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, Children were screaming at the top of their voice. It’s way past bedtime and the kids are still crazy, They should be asleep but seem fresh as a daisy. Mummy wonders why she’s never more organised, I mean Christmas comes once a year, it’s hardly… Continue reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas…. Alternative Version

baby, Family, mom, motherhood, Mum, newborn, parenting, toddler

Contradictions of Parenting

Parenting is a funny old business. I find myself saying one thing one day then totally contradicting myself the next! One minute I think I have given birth to an angel the next it seems like I am raising a monster! How can my baby girl have such cute smiles and sweet baby talk then… Continue reading Contradictions of Parenting

days out, farm, learning, northern ireland, toddler, Uncategorized

Visit to Rose Park Farm

We recently enjoyed a trip to Rose Park Farm, Ballymoney. Although we only visited for an afternoon there is plenty to keep the entire family entertained for a whole day so will definitely be taking a trip back soon! We were greeted by a friendly member of staff, given a detailed map and advised on… Continue reading Visit to Rose Park Farm

learning, toddler

Mrs Mactivity Early Years Provocations Review

Ad/gifted* With a newborn in the house I have had to get better at planning activities to keep my toddler son entertained. In my sleep deprived state, however, it isn’t always easy to come up with new ideas of fun things to do so I was delighted to be given the opportunity to receive free… Continue reading Mrs Mactivity Early Years Provocations Review

baby, Family, mom, motherhood, Mum, newborn, toddler, Uncategorized

What I Have Learned Since Becoming a Mum

When I arrived home from hospital with my firstborn it suddenly hit me that I didn’t actually have a clue what to do with this little person I had created. Luckily the basics of feeding them, changing them and generally keeping them alive were straightforward enough but there are a few other things that I… Continue reading What I Have Learned Since Becoming a Mum

daddy, Family, Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

A poem to my husband from our babies or what I imagine they would say if they could write poems.... Happy Father’s Day from us two, Mummy says this day is all about you. She said to let you have a lie in, But we know you’d rather wake up to our cheeky grins! We… Continue reading Happy Father’s Day

baby, nappies, newborn, toddler, Uncategorized

Pampers Premium Protection Review

AD /gifted I have had plenty of experience with pampers products having used them with my son for the past 2 years and so pampers were the obvious choice when baby number 2 arrived! I had never tried any other brands because I never had any need to! I had heard negative reports about different… Continue reading Pampers Premium Protection Review

gift guide, mom, Mum, toddler, Uncategorized

Gift Guide for Toddlers

This post contains affiliate links. Read full disclosure here. Gifts that have been well tested by my toddler son and have received his seal of approval: Paw Patrol Paw Patroller Paw Patrol is a big favourite in our house, I'm pretty certain I could recite every episode, so this gift was a big hit! The Paw… Continue reading Gift Guide for Toddlers

baby, Family, mom, motherhood, Mum, newborn, toddler, Uncategorized

Newborn versus Toddler

When I had my first baby everyone in the know was keen to tell me that the newborn stage was the easiest part of parenting, that it only gets harder from there. I was pretty certain they must have forgotten the newborn phase because this did not seem like an easy gig at all! Now… Continue reading Newborn versus Toddler